Wednesday 13 January 2016

What Does the Maxis Fibre Have to Offer?

With the rising need of high-speed internet, there has been a rise in the use of fiber optics by ISPs. However, these services are neither cheap nor readily available. Fiber optic cables make use of light waves, which are passed through a glass cable, to deliver data. This tends to make fiber optic transmission faster and more efficient than any other forms of communication. The costs of installing and maintaining this equipment certainly justifies the cost of such services. The question of availability and quality, however, still remains.

Maxis fibre is one such service, which recently updated to a fiber optic network. Additionally, being one of the oldest telecommunication companies in Malaysia, the company’s new service is quickly attracting attention. However, the company’s strong roots are not the only reasons consumers are going for the Maxis fibre. The company offers great packages and quality services to its customers. Even though, it may seem as other ISPs are providing you with faster speed, but Maxis only promises what it knows it can deliver.

Currently, the Maxis fibre offers speeds up to 30 Mbps for a mere 228 RM/month. However, the price also includes unlimited data volume and free voice calls, equivalent to 30 RM. However, since the service is relatively new, the company encourages its customers to first confirm the Maxis fibre coverage in their area, before applying for a connection. It should be noted here that once the service matures, the speeds would only get better, while still keeping the rates affordable.

However, the question is, why should you get a Maxis fibre, when you are satisfied with your current connection. The answer to this question lies in improved speeds and the growing demand of IPTVs. As an increasing number of consumers are switching from conventional cable to online-streaming, the demand for IPTVs and fast internet connections is larger than ever. With this in mind, it is only rational that consumers utilize the facility of a fiber optic connection, over the conventional Ethernet. Additionally, the Maxis fibre comes with an add-on chromecast device. You can simply plug the device in your TV and watch your favorite shows through online streaming.
Check out the Maxis Fibre promotion

Selecting the Right Internet Broadband

Broadband users should know how to select the right broadband internet for your usage.  You might know what is the fastest broadband internet package, the best coverage broadband service provider, the cheapest broadband package, but what you really needs is to know what the right broadband package is for yourself, at home or office.  Different consumers will need different broadband packages based on the usage, the quality and also the features. 

Cost is always the top priority when an internet user is selecting the internet broadband.  With this criteria, one will always be compromising the features such as the speed, download quota and others with the lower internet monthly cost.  Fortunately for Maxis fibre, the internet package is offering for all ranges of users.  The main different in the package is the speed. 

If an internet user prefers to have the cheapest package, one can sign up for Maxis fibre 10Mbps speed package, which is only at RM156.88/ month (inclusive of 6% GST).  This is currently the cheapest internet package that you can sign up for with the better speed which is at 10Mbps.  Further more, the user who selected this package will get to enjoy unlimited data transfer, whether it is the download or upload, one can enjoy unlimited of data being downloaded or uploaded to the internet. 
As for someone who uses internet extensively, and need fast speed, this type of internet users can go for the Maxis Fibre 100Mbps.  With this speed, one only needs to pay for RM421.88/month to enjoy the fastest internet speed and unlimited download & upload data into the internet. 

All equipment for one to setup the fibre internet connection is included in the Maxis fibre package.  One does not need to purchase an internet wifi router and modem separately.  A user is also given RM30 worth of free calls by Maxis when they sign up for Maxis fibre packages. 

Maxis fibre has a wide coverage area, and one can check for the coverage for their area here: Maxis fibre coverage.  

Selecting A Good Broadband Provider

Since a large number of businesses now rely on the internet for their success, it is important for business owners who wish to sign up for internet services.  Since the contract normally last for at least one year to normally 2 years, it is important to select the right internet solution of the business premises so that one does not get penalty for terminating the service prior to the contract ends.  The most important factor for the perfect business internet solution is always speed and the cost effectiveness. 

While a large number of internet service providers offer high speeds, but not all of them is suitable for you and available for your location.  For fibre internet connection, coverage is very important, To be able to subscribe to your desired internet service providers, you must first confirm the availability of the network at your business premise.  If its not available, you either have to look for another one that is available or wait for the company to setup its coverage within your business premise, which is normally unable to be confirm and one could have to wait for several months to several years. 

Once you confirm the availability, the next thing is to identify a reliable internet service provider.   You can do this by going through the reviews, and a good ISP would have positive reviews about its service quality and reliability. If you see many negative reviews and feedbacks from the users especially on recent time, then you should reconsider your option.  One thing to note also, if the negative feedbacks was a few years back, and the recent reviews are mostly good, one can consider that the company has done some good improvement.  Having a bad service can be very painful especially for business users, as your issue might not be able to be resolved immediately.   

It is also wise to check with your fellow neighbor to confirm the stability of the particular network in your area.  If your particular area has strong and quality network from one of the service providers, it is recommended to go for that as that will give you reliable and stable internet connection most of the time. 

Maxis fibre has one of the higher coverage area for fibre network connection in Malaysia.  One can check the coverage and consider the packages offer by them.  Besides, there are great reviews from users across the country.  Check Maxis fibre coverage here.

Differences between Fixed IP and Dynamic IP Broadband

Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.  An IP address is a unique number given to your computer by your internet service provider (ISP). It identifies your computer when it accesses the internet.  Similar to your house address or the street address, it tells the postman when he is delivering a letter to your house.  The IP address determines the address of your computer in the internet.   Network devices use IP addresses to communicate to each other and also to identify each users. 

Dynamic IP as its names suggested, the IP address changes.  Your device will be allocated with different IP addresses at different times.  For static IP address, one device will use the same IP address. 

A Dynamic IP address is suitable if you have several computers on an internal network with internet access on all of them - Dynamic IP addresses allow several devices to share limited address space. 

For a static IP, it is recommended for those who run their own websites, own email server, or run an FTP server. For companies who needs to access the virtual private network (VPN) from multiple PCs via a single broadband service is also recommended to use static IP. For a company who uses certain security applications, like centralized cameras and polling software, it is also recommended to use static IP fibre network connection. 

The static IP has some great advantages such as it will provide lesser downtime compared to the dynamic IP.  Every time a new dynamic IP address is assigned, there is a risk of downtime.  One can access own PCs remotely anywhere in the world if they have static IP.

Maxis Fibre offers businesses both Dynamic IP and Statis IP options.  The Dynamic IP option is available at the speed of 4 Mbps, 8 Mbps, 16 Mbps and 32 Mbps.  Similar to the Dynamic IP, Static IP is also available at the same speed package, but price at a higher range for each speed package. 

Check out all maxis fibre packages here where you can fine both dynamic IP and fixed IP packages.  

Comparing Fiber Broadband and Mobile Internet

With everyone “online” now, it is hard not to stay connected.  You will have to be connected either using your mobile phone, laptop or computer.  Even TV nowadays can be connected with your house broadband so that you can watch tv shows online.  CCTV is also connected, where one can upload the footages to the network so that you can view it at work while you are not home. 

With all these devices connected, a common question will be whether to go for a fibre broadband connection or take up the mobile internet connection.  Which is better?

To get into the right answer, first one must know there will be pros and cons for both internet connections.  The fibre broadband connection, is internet data transfer to a fibre optics cable, which allow stable and fast data transfer.  For a mobile internet connection, as its name suggest, mobile provides flexibility of internet connection where one can go anywhere with the device that can emits the internet connection, and one will get connected anywhere.

For one that needs the internet connection for home or office, it is always the fixed fibre connection that will be a better choice.  The main reason for this particular option is the fibre broadband connection provides better speed and very much stable, with much lower pricing compared to mobile internet connection.  Fixed fibre broadband connection allows less signal losses, and stable signal strength compares to a mobile internet connection.  For internet service providers such as Maxis Fibre internet, one can aspect a stable internet connection with the given speed, and on top of that the download and upload quota is unlimited.  Compared to mobile internet connection, the pricing is always based on the download quota. 

Furthermore, a fixed fiber connection can be used on multiple wireless devices, through a wifi router. All you need to do is purchase the wifi router and install it on your fixed fiber. For internet solution providers like Maxis, one who subscribe to Maxis fibre will be given for the Maxis Fibre wifi routers as part of the internet package. This wifi router is only enough to provide wife signal within the house, and once away for the house, the signal is no longer strong enough to be detected. 
But unfortunately, not every location has the fibre coverage.  One will have to check for the coverage availability to be able to apply for the fibre broadband service.  For maxis fibre broadband, one can writes or check Maxis coverage online.  Only areas that have the Maxis coverage, one can apply for the fibre broadband connection.  Check for Maxis coverage for the site here.

Checking your internet speed

Keeping your broadband speed under a constant check is important, since ISPs quite often tend to charge you for what you do not use. You might not be getting the right download and upload speeds that you were promised by the ISP. However, if your computer is quite old, then the slow broadband speed is probably not the fault of the ISP. Outdate computer hardware is often incompatible with today’s high-speed networks, which severely limits the maximum internet speed you can achieve.
One can check the internet speed in a speed test website.  There are a few steed test websites available for one to check the speed.  These speed test websites have a number of host computers, and act as checkpoints for the internet connection. Most of the speed test website is free of charge.   

You can just search in the web browser for speed test website, and you are given a full list of different speed test website.  Most of these sites are quite reliable.  Maxis is also providing the speed test to the public for free.  The speed measured is the speed between one’s device (pc, notebook or cellphone) and Maxis's local Internet access gateway.  What one required to do is just press on the button to begin the test.  The test provides internet latency time of one’s connection and the average upload and downloads speeds from the internet service provider one uses now. 

But the actual internet connection speeds may vary depending on many factors including wireless signal strength, the performance of the device, the application used, the accessed server performance, utilization of international links and so forth.

Thus, there are a few things one needs to take care of begin stated to test so that you can get a more accurate speed test result.  The beast way to test is when one’s device is connected through an Ethernet cable rather than wife, this method allows one to have minimal data signal losses between the device you are check the speed test and the router.  Next is to ensure there is no other devices are connecting with the router, so that there will only be one single user, which is your owner device.  

One can make sure the device is not having other applications that are using the internet.   With these steps, one can accurately test the speed test of the internet as accurate as possible.
You can repeat this steps 3-4 times at different time so that you can get a better accuracy of speed test result over the few times.  This is because all internet connection will have its high usage and low usage, among your neighbors who also uses the same internet connection as you.  When there are more people online, and using the similar network, there will be slower versus the time when there is no one else using the internet. 

Maxis fibre is one of the best fibre broadband service providers in Malaysia.  It serves to provide fast and stable internet connection through fibre optic cable.  

Broadband Solution for House Users

Internet usage for the household depends on the amount of people in the house is using the internet, and also the usage of each person, whether it is high, medium or low.  The more people using the internet, the higher speed of internet is required.  If there are only three people in the household using internet, but each use heavily, then the internet usage is high too.
How to set the usage? 

For the number of people, if there is one or two internet users in the house, one can select a light plan, such as Maxis fibre 10Mbps speed.  At the moment, Maxis does not cap the download amount, so every plan has an unlimited download quota.  For a household with three to six users, one should consider taking up a medium package, which is Maxis fibre 20Mbps speed.  One will get faster download speed since there are more users within the household who uses internet.  When there are more than seven users, one should consider a higher speed package.  Maxis fibre has the fibre package at 30Mbps internet speed.  One can go for this Maxis fibre plan if there are higher amount of users or who wants great speed.

For the usage wise, if one only check emails and surf some content sites, the usage is consider low.  For those required to assess internet frequently, access emails, communicate through software like skype or messenger that needs internet, this internet users will require a medium speed internet speed which is the 20Mbps speed.  If one watch youtube, or your works required internet, you will have to consider signing up for the high tier package, which is the 30Mbps speed package. 

If you do not go with the package, for example: you have 6 internet users within the family and all watches youtube in their own computer.  And if you are using a slow internet connection, then the videos will be loading slower for a pleasant watching.  You may not like this experience.  Someone within the house will have to sacrifice within this time frame so that not every one is using a heavy internet usage.

Of course, with the huge amount of data transfer taking place, you would also need your data volume to be unlimited. Furthermore, an unlimited data volume also opens the door to another opportunity. If your broadband is fast enough, like MaxisFibre, then you can basically download or upload with almost unlimited amount of download quota.  

Best Fibre Broadband Service in Malaysia

There is an increase in the broadband speed within the countries recently. With more internet solution providers providing fibre broadband services, there are providing a higher internet speed. Fibre broadband service uses fibre optic as the data transfer medium, this able to provide faster and more stable speed due to less losses of data signal during the transferring. Fibre optic networks are much faster than the ADSL which uses copper wire as the medium to transfer internet data.

Maxis fibre is one of the internet service providers who provides fibre internet connection. For maxis fibre package, it comes in four packages, 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, and finally 100Mbps. The 100Mbps speed package makes Maxis fibre the fastest broadband service in Malaysia. Many people might think that the fastest broadband service in Malaysia is probably the most expensive as well, but that is not the case. With the fastest internet speed, maxis fibre is also providing unlimited internet quota, which make this one of the top internet package available in Malaysia.

You can get the best home broadband speed in Malaysia for only RM 421.88/month (the price is inclusive of 6% GST). The unlimited data quota becomes handy for this speed. The great internet speed from this maxis fibre package means one can download entire music albums or even HD movies in a matter of minutes, rather than a few hours. With this immense speed, one will tend to download a significant higher amount of data. Thus the unlimited quota is very handy for the users who opt to go for the great speed.