Wednesday 13 January 2016

Broadband Solution for House Users

Internet usage for the household depends on the amount of people in the house is using the internet, and also the usage of each person, whether it is high, medium or low.  The more people using the internet, the higher speed of internet is required.  If there are only three people in the household using internet, but each use heavily, then the internet usage is high too.
How to set the usage? 

For the number of people, if there is one or two internet users in the house, one can select a light plan, such as Maxis fibre 10Mbps speed.  At the moment, Maxis does not cap the download amount, so every plan has an unlimited download quota.  For a household with three to six users, one should consider taking up a medium package, which is Maxis fibre 20Mbps speed.  One will get faster download speed since there are more users within the household who uses internet.  When there are more than seven users, one should consider a higher speed package.  Maxis fibre has the fibre package at 30Mbps internet speed.  One can go for this Maxis fibre plan if there are higher amount of users or who wants great speed.

For the usage wise, if one only check emails and surf some content sites, the usage is consider low.  For those required to assess internet frequently, access emails, communicate through software like skype or messenger that needs internet, this internet users will require a medium speed internet speed which is the 20Mbps speed.  If one watch youtube, or your works required internet, you will have to consider signing up for the high tier package, which is the 30Mbps speed package. 

If you do not go with the package, for example: you have 6 internet users within the family and all watches youtube in their own computer.  And if you are using a slow internet connection, then the videos will be loading slower for a pleasant watching.  You may not like this experience.  Someone within the house will have to sacrifice within this time frame so that not every one is using a heavy internet usage.

Of course, with the huge amount of data transfer taking place, you would also need your data volume to be unlimited. Furthermore, an unlimited data volume also opens the door to another opportunity. If your broadband is fast enough, like MaxisFibre, then you can basically download or upload with almost unlimited amount of download quota.  

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